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Ogasawara Visitor Center

The Ogasawara Visitor Center is a facility that provides visitors with information about the nature of Ogasawara, as well as related history and culture. Ogasawara is home to many rare plants and animals, including endemic species that can only be found in Ogasawara. Please come study them with us at the visitor center!


  • Hours:
    8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
  • Closed on:Days when the Ogasawara-maru is not in port at Futami Port.
    During peak tourism seasons such as the Golden Week holidays, the summer period, and the period before and after the New Year, however, we are open every day.
  • Entrance fee:
  • Access:
    Travel by ship from Tokyo (Takeshiba Wharf) to Chichijima, Ogasawara (Futami Port). The visitor center is a 10-minute walk from the port.
  • Location:
    Nishi-machi, Chichijima, Ogasawara, Tokyo

Contact Us

  • Ogasawara Visitor Center
    Telephone: 04998-2-3001
  • Public Works Division, Ogasawara Branch Office
    Telephone: 04998-2-2121

Facilities and Activities

At the visitor center, you can view exhibits and hear explanations about Ogasawara National Park, as well as the nature and culture of the Ogasawara Archipelago. Lectures and other events are also held here from time to time.

  • Regular exhibits
    Photo exhibits introduce the plants and animals that live within Ogasawara National Park.
  • Historical exhibits
    These exhibits explain the history of Ogasawara.
  • Slide shows

Ogamiyama Park

Okamiyama Park is located 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) south of the center of Tokyo. This prefectural natural park is located in the middle of the ocean, on the island of Chichijima. This park, which overlooks the brilliant blue sea, is divided into two areas: the Ogamiyama area and the Omura-chuo area, which is an area of flat land alongside Futami Port.


  • Start of public use:
    April 30, 1981
  • Public area:
    153,125.94 m2 (37.8 acres)


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