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Komine Park

Komine Park is located in Metropolitan Akikawa Hills Natural Park. Komine Park offers an outdoor recreation area, where you can enjoy a light picnic or hiking while interacting closely with the rich nature around you.
The park consists of three mountain ridges and two valleys, and includes a forest with rows of cherry trees, Japanese cypress trees, and various other small trees. The park also offers a wetland botanic garden that uses the valley wetlands and spring water. Here you can see various wild grasses and observe animals. We hope you will visit often to experience nature in all four seasons. At the visitor center located at the park entrance, you can view exhibitions that introduce the nature you can experience in the park, and watch a slide show narrated by a park guide. You can also learn about nature through hands-on interactive experiences offered outdoors.


  • Address:
    Takao, Totohara, Akiruno-shi
  • Start of public use:
    July 1, 1990
  • Public area:
    108,420.40 m2 (26.8 acres)

Recommended Spots

Komine Park offers splendid woodland views. You can closely experience nature in all four seasons.

  Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Trees and autumn foliage Japanese cedar, Japanese cypress, pin oak, and sawtooth oak
Flowers Japanese apricot, cherry (mountain cherry, Yoshino cherry), iris, and bigleaf hydrangea Golden-rayed lily Autumn bellflower Japanese coptis
Animals Tadpoles
  • April and May
    Hands-on rice cultivation experience: Planting rice
  • July
    Hands-on rice cultivation experience: Weeding fields
  • September
    Hands-on rice cultivation experience: Making scarecrows
  • October
    Hands-on rice cultivation experience: Reaping
  • November
    Hands-on rice cultivation experience: Harvesting
  • December
    Cooking rice with cooking utensils


Komine Park retains scenic woodland views, divided into five fields. Many Tokyo residents use these fields as recreational spots where they can closely interact with nature, and participate in various events, such as our hands-on rice cultivation experience, which covers all processes from planting rice to harvesting rice.

Satoyama Field

Here you can still see the form of the woodlands in the beautiful forest of Japanese cedar trees and Japanese cypress trees. You can even experience the forestry and mountain work carried out in days long past, and learn about work in the forest. From the elevated mountain ridges, you can enjoy a view of faraway plains.

Oniyanma (Siebold's Dragonfly) Field

Peek into the lives of various critters that live in natural mountain streams, paddy fields, small creeks, and wetlands. Stop by the visitor center and learn how to observe these creatures from a visitor center guide.

Sakura no One (Ridge of Cherry Trees) Field

This encompasses a mountain ridge that runs through the center of the park. Along the way, you can visit a shrine. Since the olden days, people have been coming through this area, using it as a mountain pass. In the spring, this area is famous for its cherry blossoms and its vibrant forest with wild plants blossoming on the mountain slope.

No-Usagi (Hare) Field

This is a playground where children can have fun on a variety of playground equipment and a small obstacle course.

Hojiro (Meadow Bunting) Field

Here you can find patches of grass scattered throughout a planted forest, giving you a view of various types of environments. With a great variety of wild birds (such as Japanese white-eye birds, Japanese bush warblers, pygmy woodpeckers, and Japanese pheasants) and wild grasses, you can relax and enjoy nature.

Visitor Center

  • Hours:
    9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Closed on:
    The visitor center is closed during the New Year holidays (from December 29 to January 3).
  • Entrance fee:
  • Access:
    From Musashi Itsukaichi Station on the JR Ome Line, walk about 25 minutes. Komine-koen bus stop.
  • Parking lot:
    30 parking spaces

Contact Information

Telephone: 042-595-0400


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Tokyo Shizen-fureai-Park (Tokyo Communication Park with nature)

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